Donnerstag, 29. November 2012

Yax-kin (love at first sight)

Yax-kin (visitors)

Yax-kin (my story)


Yax-kin (disease, hospital, traumas)

Yax-kin (new beginning Berlin)


Yax-kin (a walk trough the woods)


Yax-kin (my trip trough france)

Yax-kin (evil thoughts)

Yax-kin (Doya)
Yax-kin (like in school we used to draw a house and a tree, well if I had to do that this days it will look like that)


Yax-kin (in honor of my father)

Yax-kin (the muse) 

Yax-kin (my ex-girlfriend cheat it on me and I did not say nothing, but my drawing did)

Yax-kin (here I realized that I don´t belong to what I see)

Yax-kin (my wrath after not winning my exams for my studies in Germany)

Yax-kin (mentally disaster)

Yax-kin (my birth is the beginning of my journey trough the art. Here is where everything starts and happens)

Yax-kin (this is my very first piece of art. It is made on a wall in Xela Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. It took me like a week to finish it. 
Yax-kin (in this image I finally found my own space after sheering life with a women)